Thursday 2 June 2011

Stealing Passwords from mRemote

If you don't know mRemote is a tabbed remote connection manager for Windows. It can store and manage a number of different connections, chief among them RDP,VNC, and SSH. It is a popular tool among IT Support people who have to remote into a lot of machines.

When you save connections in mRemote it outputs all of that data into an XML report in your local AppData folder. The passwords are saved in an encrypted format, however this is trivial to circumvent. The passwords are encrypted with AES-128-CBC Rijndael Encryption, and then the IV is pre-pended to the encoded passwords and the whole thing is base64 encoded for output into the XML. The encryption key that is used is the md5 hash of the string "mR3m". So to decrypt these passwords we follow a simple process:

example password:  28kQ15DF4kdW34Mx2+fh+NWZODNSoSPek7ug+ILvyPE=

  1. Get the md5 hash of mR3m and convert it into byte values: \xc8\xa3\x9d\xe2\xa5\x47\x66\xa0\xda\x87\x5f\x79\xaa\xf1\xaa\x8c
  2. base64 decode the saved password data
  3. Take the first 16 bytes of the decoded data and set that as you Initialization vector(IV)
  4. Run AES-128-CBC Decryption feeding your Cipher Text(the remaining bytes from the decoded text), your IV (that first 16 bytes), and your key (\xc8\xa3\x9d\xe2\xa5\x47\x66\xa0\xda\x87\x5f\x79\xaa\xf1\xaa\x8c)
  5. You should get a decrypted password of: password1
Simple and easy, you are now ready to decrypt all of those delicious RDP,VNC, and SSH passwords. To make it all that much easier I have written a new Metasploit POST module that will find the XML files on a compromised machine and decrypt those passwords for you. I just submitted it to Redmine so it hasn't been added yet, but keep your eyes peeled. I suspect it will be in there soon.

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